Rote Learning Does Not Equate As Understanding
"It is possible for you to be word perfect in all the knowledge of the Zelator Adeptus Minor Grade, and to know all its ceremonies by rote, and yet unless you can really and profoundly grasp their inner meaning, an uninitiated person who has a strong will, faith, reverence, self-sacrifice and perseverence, may be more truly a Magician than you."- S. L. MacGregor Mathers, Manifesto (1896)
This very reason is why I have turned down Ordination 3x or more, as the full breadth of understanding must be within, without, as above, so below and all around again, those who merely learn by rote, or walk through the liturgies, rites or ceremonies of any tradition, are not there necessarily an adept, a magician, a Priestess et cetera.
This very reason is why I have turned down Ordination 3x or more, as the full breadth of understanding must be within, without, as above, so below and all around again, those who merely learn by rote, or walk through the liturgies, rites or ceremonies of any tradition, are not there necessarily an adept, a magician, a Priestess et cetera.