Fear is Failure

One of the key passages of the Neophyte ceremony is that said by the Hiereus: "Fear is failure [and the forerunner of failure]" (the bracketed part is only employed by certain groups). "Therefore, be without fear", we are told.

I would like to explore some of these elements of fear that a Neophyte might face.

Firstly there is the fear of magic, spirits, and the "occult" in general. To fear such is to cause the journey to cease before it is begun. Fear is a natural human emotion, true enough, but we are to become "more than human", and to do so we must not fear the tools of our growth, which are the occult. To do so would mean that we leave the path, having failed our mission, giving in to the wiles of the ego, and never progressing within the Order.

Secondly there is the fear of change. Magic is, as Crowley put it, change in conformity with Will. Initiation, if successful, causes the beginnings of change. This can be hectic and seemingly catastrophic, as the world of the initiate becomes the athanor of affliction. Alchemy is all about change, of the transmutation of things. And there is no doubt that change is painful, especially for the ego, which fears losing its potent grip on the personality of the initiate. To fear change then is to fail, and is the forerunner of failure, because it stunts the possibility of growth. We must bear the burden of the cross if we are to attain the summit and bear witness to our resurrection.

Thirdly there is the fear of the path ahead, and this is often influenced by the former two points, primarily the second one. This is where people fear what they might become, or where the path may lead them. The fear of the unknown, the nagging splinter of uncertainty. Ultimately this is the ego that fears, for the end is not "unknown", but the only real thing that can be known truly, the inner spark of divinity.

Fourthly there is the fear of exposing our weaknesses. This is the reluctance to embrace the Light, for fear that it will highlight our darkness, exposing the skeletons in the closet. Again, this is linked to the fear of change, but, in the end, if we live a life of comfort ("ignorance is bliss"), we will never embark on this path, never search, and never attain.

Fear is doubt, and the Higher Self does not doubt, nor does it question the path or wonder if the Great Work is worth the effort. Let us, therefore, be without fear and doubt, and embrace the certainty of the Divine, of the Light, and our own place in it.

"Ask of God and ye shall have,
Seek and ye shall find.
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

If we fear we will not ask and will not seek, nor will we knock upon the door, for we will be afraid of who might answer. How then will we ever enter?


Anonymous said…
This post hit everything dead on, and some of the things I as a Neophyte have constantly felt especially points 2-4 although point one to a lesser extent. I once wrote to you discussing how I stopped doing the GD work. But upon further consideration it turns out that this current has been calling out to me for too long for me to ignore.

I've been going strong ever since I started my work again, and I'm surprised that so far I've seen few references to these types of fears that a Neophyte might have. As I've said its definitly something that even now I'm going through.

I think this is why I stopped. I let these fears get to me. I was afraid of change, and the things I would leave behind if I continued. I was afraid of what I would become myself. Would I be a lofty, lonely hermit? Would I become a over passionate figure? How would this affect my life goals? And of course the back in the mind fear of "demons".

In the end I decided what the hell. You only have one life. Long post I know, but I'm very happy to be reading something like this, and very excited about the work that I'm continuing once again. Your daily posts have helped me, and have served as an important inspiration.

Keep on at it.


Frater Yechidah said…
Ave Marquis,

Glad to see that you found this post helpful. I think it's good to recognise these fears, as it is then easier to deal with them.

I would encourage you to keep up the Great Work, and am glad that you found with blog inspiring with such :)


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