Weekly Roundup: Dangers, Sex, & Rock N' Roll

I decided to "borrow" Psyche's idea at Plutonica.net in regard to her Saturday Signal, which is a weekly roundup of links to interesting occult material. I can't think of quite as clever a title, so "Weekly Roundup" will have to suffice.

Check back next Saturday for another Weekly Roundup. Also check out Plutonica.net's excellent Saturday Signal.


Anonymous said…

Thanks for the recommendation to the wonderful article on the dangers of the Golden Dawn system. While it was informative there were some points which I couldn't help but disagree. Very recently I stopped my Golden Dawn work because of a connection that I thought was slowly slipping away. I decided to return to working with my old order's system (the Dragon Rouge). In part I think it had to do with one of the dangers which concerns those of us who are used to constantly performing other forms of magick to cause immediate change in our surroundings.

Honestly however it felt to me like I was in a very limiting position especially since there were times when I myself could not resolve things without magick because of events out of my control. I feel a bit heartbroken that I stopped but maybe its the fact that I'm young, and the self intiating into such a complex system probably sealed the deal.. lol

Either way it was a good read, and I'm looking forward twords the right time when I can come back. Thanks for the post.
Frater Yechidah said…
Ave Marquis,

Thank you for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed my round-up. It's good to know it helped at least one person find some new links.

I'm sorry to hear you have stopped your Golden Dawn work, but to each their own. Difficulties always arise in the probationary grades of an Order, not least of all the Golden Dawn. These can also arise in the Elemental Grades. However, Dragon Rouge is so VASTLY different in teaching, etc., that I can see how it would "cross wires" on a Current level with that of the Golden Dawn.

I wish you the best with your DR work, and hope you continue reading my blog :)


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