THMÊ - Goddess of Truth

A week or two ago I was looking through the Ciceros's Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition when I noticed the Coptic and Hebrew spelling of the name THMÊ (A Coptic form of Greek Themis and Egyptian Ma'at) on page 22.

The thing that I noticed is that, in the Hebrew, the spelling is ThMA, and there is another word of the same gematric value, but not only that - the same exact letters. This is AMTh, Emeth, which means Truth. THMÊ is the Coptic form of Ma'at, the Goddess of Truth.


Anonymous said…
Of course AMTh contains the first, middle and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. As I am sure you have discovered there is some significance to this, particularly when one adds Sh, which renders AMeSheTh. Within the Cube(shown in the Portal Grade diagram) Tav is placed in the very centre, the Holy of Holies. Also placed there is Mem final. It is interesting to compare the meanings of TM, Toom, and MT, Muth.
Frater Yechidah said…
Ave Tony,

Thanks for the comment :)

I am aware of the signifiance of those three letters (Air, Water, and Earth respectively), and their unusual placement in the Hebrew language. I believe it was Kaplan's Sepher Yetzirah that I first read such, although Mem is technically not the middle letter as far as I can see (it's the 13th letter of 22, so that doesn't add up, and if we employ the 5 finals, making it 27, it still doesn't add up [it would need to be the 14th letter then]). It being a middle letter still holds some significance though.

At the time of discovering the above I tried to find a Hebrew word that employed either all four elemental letters (is Amesheth a word, btw? What does it mean?) or the three Mother letters, but I couldn't find anything at the time (roughly a year and a half ago).

If I recall correctly, Tav is positioned in the centre of the Cube of Space described in the Sepher Yetzirah, on the conjunction of the lines of Aleph and Mem too, if I remember, but it's been some time since I looked at the Sepher Yetzirah. If this is the case, however, then we have a hidden Emeth (truth) on the lines that form the axes of the cube.

The TM/Tum and MT/Mut thing is completely new to me. I will need to ponder that one. Thanks for sharing :)


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