Definitions Of Magic: Art Of Transformation & Science Of Empowerment

"Magic is the art of transformation, of altering consciousness and experiencing the life changes that result. It is a science of empowerment, of using word, image, and gesture to reach into the darkness and set free the imprisoned faculties of the soul."
- Lyam Thomas Christopher,
Kabbalah, Magic, & the Great Work of Self-transformation


"In these experiences the ego will be totally altered or completely destroyed in the death that must precede a rebirth into life. The terror, agony and despair that accompany this process cannot be minimized." Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword, John Whiteside Parsons, Falcon Press, 1989, page 56.
A.M. said…
That's a nice one. I've always found Crowley's def a bit terse.

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