Yesod - The Secret Of Fire

After my previous post on sexual symbolism on the Tree of Life I came to a new realisation about Yesod, a new insight, and a new title. The title is:

The Secret of Fire

And why is it the Secret of Fire? Firstly because it is the lower counterpart of Chokmah, as stated in my previous post; it is the "physical" reflection of the latent male sexuality of Chokmah, which is represented by Fire (and the Yod of the Tetragrammaton, which is sperm-shaped).

Secondly because it is linked with the Root Chakra and the force of Kundalini, which is both sexual and fiery in nature. It is the coiled serpent ready to spring, the hidden (thereby secret) fiery nature of the watery lunar sphere.

Thirdly, and this is where the realisation sprung from, because the Hebrew spelling of Yesod is YSVD, and the Hebrew word for "secret" is Sod (SVD). Thus, Yesod is Y-SVD, the Secret of Yod, the Secret of Fire.


Anonymous said…
Don't forget the Nephesh is also centered upon yesod. Often symbolized by a fire lizard.
Frater Yechidah said…
Excellent insight, Theurgist. Some traditions attribute the Nephesh to Malkuth, while others attribute it to Yesod (with the G'uph in Malkuth).

A.M. said…
Thank you for this post. I had never heard of this connection before.

Your blog's tremendously helpful to me.
Frater Yechidah said…
Neither have I, lol. This is where knowledge of Hebrew can help the Qabalist ten-fold.

I'm really glad you're finding my blog helpful. Thanks for reading :)


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