Adeptus Minores As Tzaddiqim

Continuing the Yesod theme of recent posts (see here and here), I'd like to explore a less well-understood aspect of the grade structure of the Golden Dawn and its attribution to the Tree of Life; and, for those already familiar with this, I hope to add another aspect for consideration: the Tzaddiqim (righteous).

The beginning or casual student will no doubt be aware that the grades of the Golden Dawn are attributed to the Sephiroth (barring the probationary grades of Neophyte [0=0] and Portal, which can be seen as an outer court to Malkuth and Tiphareth respectively [it's interesting to note that these are the two Sephiroth with probationary grades before them, hinting once more at their union]). Thus we have Zelator [1=10] attributed to Malkuth, Theoricus [2=9] attributed to Yesod, Practicus [3=8] attributed to Hod, Philosophus [4=7] attributed to Netzach, and Adeptus Minor [5=6] attributed to Tiphareth (the grades above this are not relevant to this post). This is the preliminary and basic understanding of the grades upon the Tree of Life.

However, this is primarily theoretical, and there is a deeper application of grades on a more "realistic" structure, where all four elemental grades are attributed to Malkuth (it being four-fold in structure), with Adeptus Minor technically being in Yesod (the astral realm). Indeed, the sub-grades of Adeptus Minor would actually give a similar structure to Yesod, with Neophyte Adeptus Minor, Zelator Adeptus Minor, and so forth (indeed, all of this within the World of Assiah). This may be surprising or confusing to some people, but the important point to remember is that both applications are correct. There is no "one" way of looking at the Tree, and it is nigh impossible to understand Qabalah in all its depth and intricacies if we don't realise that there are multiple Trees, all overlapping in different and seemingly contradictory ways. This is the penalty we pay as an attempt to understand the Divine, and there's little hope in trying to "dumb" God down to our limited level of understanding.

Now, let's bring this a little further. While the assignation of the Tzaddiqim doesn't really come into play in the Hermetic Qabalah, I found the Jewish assignment of them to Yesod intriguing, not merely because they represent the righteous of sexual purity (consistent with Jewish tradition), but because the above assignment of Adeptus Minor to Yesod intimates that the Adeptus Minor is (or should become) a Tzaddiq.


Peregrin said…
Hi Dean,

thanks for all your posts recently. Something very wonderful and GD to sink my teeth into after my Buddhist retreat :)

I am so glad you are talking about the reality of the GD grade structure. This stops too much ego :)

The Tzaddkim: i was taught relate to the completed Adept, the 7=4. Indeed, the Jewish concept of the nullification of the personal desires within the Tzaddik, thereby leaving only God, can be related to the Exemption of the 7=4 Adept.

However, as you say there is no one right way of looking at these things. It all should server to inspire us to greater love.

thanks - keep posting.
Peregrin :)
Frater Yechidah said…
Ave Peregrin,

Thank you for the kind comment. I enjoyed your recent Buddhist blog entry, and will most likely comment on it soon.

Yes, I think if more people were aware of the true application of the grades to the Tree then there would be less room for ego. After all, it doesn't look as "cool" to have only reached Yesod, when some people are claiming Chesed, and others yet Chokmah, or even Kether! Now, of course, I'm not going to throw out the assignment of 5=6 to Tiphareth, etc., but like all things in Qabalah, that's only one way of looking at things, and only explores a certain facet, an idealistic, not realistic, one.

As far as I'm aware, the Chasidim (or Hasidim for those who render Cheth as Heth) is the more extreme ascetic person, with the Tzaddiq a little less so. From my readings it seems that the Chasidim are attributed to Chesed (hence the same Hebrew spelling of Chesed and Chasid), because they go to much higher extremes to show their devotion to God, while the Tzaddiqim are a more "achievable" body in Yesod, partially based on the following and similar: "Tzaddiq is the foundation of the world" (Proverbs 10:25) [this is usually rendered "The righteous one stands firm forever" nowadays, however].

I'm wondering, if we expand the grade structure shown in this post, where would we put 6=5 and 7=4, for example? Would they be Tiphareth or Hod or Netzach? I'm not entirely sure where I stand on these grades, to be brutally honest.

Again, thanks for the post, and I will, of course, keep posting. It's been tough to keep myself motivated to post daily, but so far I've managed, so let's hope it's habit!

Likewise, I hope you keep posting too, and I look forward to more of your Golden Dawn work :)

Frater Yechidah said…
Oh, I forgot to thank you for showing that the Tzaddiqim have been attributed to the Tree in Hermetic tradition. Thank you for the 7=4 info :)

Actually, Yesod is attributed to the Portal of the Vault of the Adepti and the Adeptus Minor to Tiphareth. You're right however about the Elemental Grades which never quit Malkuth.

Frater Yechidah said…
Ave S.R.,

Thanks for that info. I see so much conflicting attributions. The Ciceros and a few others, for example, utilise the format I gave in this post (i.e. AM to Yesod). Can I ask your source for the Portal to Yesod attribution?

Care Dean,

My source is the Portal Grade Ritual.


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