Pre-order The Complete Knowledge Lectures & Side Papers of the Golden Dawn


DUBLIN, IRELAND – Kerubim Press, independent publisher of occult books, is proud to announce our latest publication, The Complete Knowledge Lectures & Side Papers of the Golden Dawn, the most thorough and authoritative version of the Outer Order curriculum of the original Order of the Golden Dawn to date, encompassing the grades from 0=0 through 4=7, marking the first time this material is fully and accurately available in print.

If you think you’ve already read these papers, think again! Current published versions, in both print and online, are either the later Stella Matutina versions or are riddled with errors, missing entire sections and numerous diagrams, while some papers are rare or have never been published before (including the full instructions for the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, which are not found in Regardie’s book). All of this is corrected in this new, comprehensive edition.

Additionally, Frater Yechidah has painstakingly compared numerous original source copies for differences, noting them in his invaluable footnotes. Some of these differences are eye-opening and challenge long-held assumptions about the teachings of the Order. The appendices provide additional papers that circulated among original Order members (and the later A.O. offshoot), as well as an original example of a Grade exam, granting even more insight into the workings of the Order.

Add to this the scholarly insights of Frater Yechidah, Tony Fuller, and Darcy Küntz, three of the leading voices on the original source material, and you get a must-have tome to enhance your magical library.

 Read more and pre-order here


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