
Showing posts from 2024

The Light Extended: A Journal of the Golden Dawn (Volume 6)

Volume 6 of the Golden Dawn journal series The Light Extended is out now, published by Kerubim Press. Get your copy on Amazon CONTENTS - Meditation and the Golden Dawn Tradition by Samuel Scarborough - A Flashing Light, Abounding, Revolving, Whirling Forth, Crying Aloud: Flashing Talismans, Symbols, and Flashing Tablets by Chic and Tabatha Cicero - To Be More Than Human: The Forms of Man Above & Below by Frater A.R.O. - A Revised History of the Golden Dawn — Part Two by Tony Fuller - Abraxas and Baphomet: A Study of Two Chimeric Godforms by Jayne Gibson - A Concourse of Forces: Doreen Valiente and the Golden Dawn by Melissa Seims - On the Pentagram: A Paper for the Dominus Liminis by Ike Baker - The Habdalah of Rabbi ‘Aqiba by J.P.F. - Practical Planetary Magic Square Sigils by Soror Velchanes - Graven Images: Idolatry, Icon and Imagination in the Golden Dawn by Veritas Contra Mundum, F.R.C. - The Sentinel in the Golden Dawn by Frater Yechidah - The Salamander Retold by Frater YSh...

Earth Pentagram in Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram?

A commonly-asked question is if the Pentagram employed in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (LRP) is associated with the Element of Earth. There is much confusion about this, which is understandable, given the myriad sources on the matter, and often arguments emphatically for and against.  It may surprise some who have learned otherwise that the answer is actually yes (though with some nuances). While copies of the LRP given to Neophytes do not reference the Elements at all, calling these simply an "Invoking Pentagram" or "Banishing Pentagram" (which makes sense, given they have not yet experienced the Elemental Grades), Adept material does refer (either explicitly, or by intimation) to the LRP Pentagrams as being of Earth. For example, here is a description from Ritual B (Ritual of the Pentagram): "In the Invoking Pentagram of Earth the Current descendeth from the Spirit to the Earth. In the Banishing Pentagram the Current is reversed. The Sigil of [Taurus] s...

Pre-order The Complete Knowledge Lectures & Side Papers of the Golden Dawn

  DUBLIN, IRELAND – Kerubim Press, independent publisher of occult books, is proud to announce our latest publication, The Complete Knowledge Lectures & Side Papers of the Golden Dawn , the most thorough and authoritative version of the Outer Order curriculum of the original Order of the Golden Dawn to date, encompassing the grades from 0=0 through 4=7, marking the first time this material is fully and accurately available in print. If you think you’ve already read these papers, think again! Current published versions, in both print and online, are either the later Stella Matutina versions or are riddled with errors, missing entire sections and numerous diagrams, while some papers are rare or have never been published before (including the full instructions for the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, which are not found in Regardie’s book). All of this is corrected in this new, comprehensive edition. Additionally, Frater Yechidah has painstakingly compared numerou...

R.I.P. Samuel Scarborough

Sam's passing is devastating news. I have known him for well over 15 years, and we were very close. We spoke regularly, sometimes daily, and often for hours at a time. His passion for the G.D. was always evident, never waning over those many years. We did not agree on everything (like politics), but we were united by a love of the G.D. tradition and a desire to get as much accurate information out there as possible. Samuel certainly lived up to that aim with his many articles, online posts, and, more recently, his book on the Flying Rolls. Despite working with different rituals and teachings (G.D./A.O. for me, S.M. for him), we shared a traditionalist view that it was important to preserve and work with the material as given, and then, and only then, build upon that foundation.  We also shared a desire to get more scholarly material on the Order out there, and hopefully encourage similar (or better) scholarship in the future. He was one of a handful who was willing to challenge his...

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