The Light Extended: A Journal of the Golden Dawn (Volume 5)

 Volume 5 of the Golden Dawn journal series The Light Extended is out now, published by Kerubim Press. 


- A Revised History of the Golden Dawn - Part One: The Enigmata of the Golden Dawn
by Tony Fuller

- Edward Bulwer-Lytton's Memorandum on Geomancy
edited and introduced by John Michael Greer

- A Ritual for the Removal of Negative Traits
by Samuel Scarborough

- An A.O. Version of Ritual A: General Orders
edited and introduced by Darcy Küntz

- Adept Weekends
by Jayne Gibson

- The Kerubim and the Fixed Quadruplicity of Astrology
by Jaime Paul Lamb

- The Knocks of the Grades
by Frater A.R.O.

- The Divine Word: Its Origin, Fall and Redemption
by Frater D

- On the Work of the 5=6: Henosis in the Golden Dawn Tradition
by Ike Baker

- An Osirian Resurrection Mystery Rite
by J.P.F.

- An Unpublished Paper: As to the Invoking and Banishing of Forces, by Means of the Rituals of Pentagram and Hexagram
with an Introduction by Frater Yechidah

- EDN IJM PSSR: Out of God, In Jesus, Through the Holy Spirit
by Veritas Contra Mundum, F.R.C.

- The Mermaid
Retold by Frater YShY


“Kerubim Press has done it again! No other anthology in recent history has so consistently provided readers with such an excellent range of material of interest to Golden Dawn aficionados. Its pages are regularly filled with high quality articles about Golden Dawn history, unpublished papers from the original order and its offshoots, and contemporary rituals from today’s practicing Golden Dawn Magicians, marking The Light Extended as the premier journal of Golden Dawn teachings, history, and contemporary practice. Volume Five is no exception.”

— Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero,
authors of Golden Dawn Magic

“Vol. 5 of The Light Extended is a treasure-trove of insight, innovation, history, symbolism, and practice. These articles are gems, looking back on and continuing the G.D. tradition, that any member should cherish.”

— Mary K. Greer,
author of Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses


Get your copy on Amazon



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