The Light Extended: A Journal of the Golden Dawn
Kerubim Press is publishing a new journal on the teachings of the Order of the Golden Dawn, with contributions from many big names in the esoteric community.
How the Mighty Have Fallen: A Golden Dawn Perspective on the Fallen Angels, Goetic Spirits, and the Qlippoth
by Chic Cicero and S. Tabatha Cicero
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram: The Foundational Ritual of the Golden Dawn Tradition
by Samuel Scarborough
The Lord of the Universe
by Frater YShY
Private Ritual for Influencing a Person for Good: or to Correct Evil Habits (Stella Matutina)
with an Introduction by Tony Fuller
Theurgy and the Body of Light
by Jayne Gibson
On the 42 Assessors of the Hall of the Two Truths: A Supplemental Z Libellus on the Enterer of the Threshold for the Study and Practice of the Adepta Major
by Adam P. Forrest
Ἑκάς ἑκάς ἐστε βέβηλοι (Hekas Hekas Este Bebeloi)
by Soror DPF
Skrying in Theory & Practice
by Alex Sumner
Thelema and the Golden Dawn: Spatting Siblings or Kissing Cousins?
by Frater D
“I Have Put On the Cloak of the Great Lady; I Am the Great Lady”: The Assumption of Godforms and the Key to Egyptian Magic
by M. Isidora Forrest
The Fire Tablet Ritual
with an Introduction by Darcy Küntz
The Enochian Alphabet: Golden Dawn Versus Dee Purist Letter Forms
by Frater Yechidah
“An impressive launch to a brand new journal of Golden Dawn and Western Mysteries, 'The Light Extended' leaps right out of the gate with some of the biggest names in modern Hermeticism; with in-depth entries offered by the Ciceros (giving their view on goetia and fallen angels), the Forrests (exploring Egyptian symbolism in both modern and ancient occultism), Darcy Kuntz (a ritual involving the Enochian Watchtower of Fire), as well as Jayne Gibson, Tony Fuller, Alex Sumner, and more. You can hardly go wrong with this 300+ page compendium of modern esotericism.”
“At a time when so much writing on occultism lumbers along wellworn trails in the foothills of magic, it's refreshing to encounter a journal that leaps for the heights. The Light Extended is such a journal. Its contents include material from across the spectrum of Golden Dawn work, from unpublished Order documents to the cutting edge of the modern tradition. No one interested in serious Golden Dawn magic can afford to be without it.”
— Aaron Leitch,
author of Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires
author of Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires
“At a time when so much writing on occultism lumbers along wellworn trails in the foothills of magic, it's refreshing to encounter a journal that leaps for the heights. The Light Extended is such a journal. Its contents include material from across the spectrum of Golden Dawn work, from unpublished Order documents to the cutting edge of the modern tradition. No one interested in serious Golden Dawn magic can afford to be without it.”
— John Michael Greer,
editor of The Golden Dawn (Seventh Edition)
and author of Circles of Power
editor of The Golden Dawn (Seventh Edition)
and author of Circles of Power