Use the physical as a springboard for the spiritual.
Use the Night to help you find the Day.
Use the Night to help you find the Day.
A blog focused on the tradition and teachings of the Golden Dawn, looking at the history, theory and practice of the Order, both historically and in modern times. Posts by Frater Yechidah, editor of The Light Extended: A Journal of the Golden Dawn and The Complete Initiation Rituals of the Golden Dawn, plus many forthcoming titles.
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My brothers are visiting.
Since I am the "sheltered" type, I get to hear all about their adventures to the unknown real-world of most people.
One brother told me he had gone to a casino recently during his travels and noticed that the mural on the wall was of the sun and a bright day on the ocean-side.
He said this perplexed him at first, but then he realized that the casino must have done this so that the people inside would not know what time it was. After all, it is night before an casino opens it's doors.
If people don't worry about what time it is, they often don't worry about anything at all...
this is just a tangent of course :-)