The Seeker & the Sought

I thought I'd share a Gnostic piece I wrote in 2006:

1. Those who try to lift a boulder will lift a Stone, but as they try they are tried, and when they look beneath the Boulder, they will become troubled by what they see, but it is the strife of their vision that allows them to See.

2. Those who are content to move pebbles like pieces of a boardgame, they will not know Me. If they looked at the board, they would see that I am all lines and no line, and it is the Breath of My Spirit that moves the pieces, not their hands.

3. Let the Movers of Mountains take Comfort and Solace in their Suffering, for only those who Suffer seek, and only those who Seek find. I am the Seeker and the Sought, and all who seek Me without find Me within.

4. I am beneath pebbles and boulders, and I am the creator of suffering and the absolver of strife. All who know Me shall become Me, and I shall become them, and We will walk in the Light together.

5. For he who is hungry shall be filled with the Bread of Life, and she who thirsts shall be filled with the Wine of Spirit; so shall the Famished inherit the Fullness.


Susanne Iles said…
...i was going to leave a lengthy comment but realized your post left me struggling for words...a very insightful piece, thank you so much for sharing...
Suecae Sounds said…
I too wish to thank you for sharing this piece.
Anonymous said…
Leave no stone unturned.
Very nice,Dean!
Frater Yechidah said…
Thank you, Susanne, Suecae, and Kate :)


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