For Those Who Are Thus Negligent

"As the Oracle therefore saith: God is never so turned away from man, and never so much sendeth him new paths, as when he maketh ascent to divine speculations or works in a confused or disordered manners, and as it adds, with unhallowed lips, or unwashed feet. For of those who are thus negligent, the process is imperfect, the impulses are vain, and the paths are dark."

- The Chaldean Oracles, translated by W.W. Westcott


Anonymous said…
This sort of reminds me of the saying, "God helps those that help themselves." In the case of esoteric work, we must be Dilligent and Persistent in our daily routine. This is how we come closer to the Divine and the Divine Union, which is the ultimate goal in the first place (my opinion).

I am a huge proponent of doing some sort of daily work (as long as a person is able - health concerns notwithstanding). Do the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, the Middle Pillar, Pray, Meditate, or any number of other things to help draw nearer to the Divine.

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