The 42 Assessors & The Negative Confession
1. Hail, Strider, coming forth from Annu, not have I done wrong
2. Hail, Embraced with flame, coming forth from Kher-aba not have I despoiled
3. Hail, Fentiu (i.e. The Nose), coming forth from Khemmenu, not have I robbed
4. Hail, Eater of shades, coming forth from Qernet, not have I slain men: twice.
5. Hail, Nehaa-hra coming forth from Re-stau, not have I defrauded the offerings
6. Hail Double Lion-god, coming forth from heaven, not have I diminished [oblations]
7. Hail, Whose two eyes are of fire, coming forth from Saut, not have I despoiled the things of the god.
8. Hail, Flame, coming forth in going back, not have I spoken lies.
9. Hail, Breaker of bones, coming forth from Suten-henen, not have I carried off food.
10. Hail, Shooter forth of flame, coming forth from Memphis, not have I afflicted [any ].
11. Hail Qereti, coming forth from Amentet, not have I committed fornication.
12. Hail, whose face is behind him, coming forth from his cavern not have I made to weep.
13. Hail, Bast, coming forth from the secret place, not have I eaten my heart.
14. Hail, Blazing legs, coming forth from the darkness, not have I transgressed.
15. Hail Eater of blood, coming forth from the block, not have I acted decietfully.
16. Hail Eater of intestines, coming forth from Mabet, not have I desolated plowed lands.
17. Hail, Lord of Maat, coming forth from Maat, not have I been an eavesdropper.
18. Hail Strider backwards, coming forth from Bast, not have I set my mouth in motion [ against any man ].
19. Hail Sertiu coming forth from Annu, not have I raged except with a cause.
20. Hail, Doubly wicked, coming forth from Ati, not have I defiled the wife of a man.
21. Hail Double Serpent, coming forth from the torture chamber, not have I defiled the wife of a man.
22. Hail, Looker at what is brought to him, coming forth from Per-Amsu, not have I polluted myself.
23. Hail, Chief of the mighty, coming forth from Amemt, not have I caused terror.
24. Hail, Khemiu, coming forth from Kesiu, not have I committed offence.
25. Hail, Disposer of speech, coming forth from Urit, not have I inflamed myself with rage.
26. Hail, Babe, coming forth from Uab, not have I made deaf myself to the words of right and truth.
27. Hail Kennememti, coming forth from Kennemmet, not have I caused grief.
28. Hail, Bringer of his offering, coming forth from Sais, not have I acted insolently.
29. Hail, Disposer of speech, coming forth from Unaset, not have I stirred up strife.
30. Hail, Lord of faces, coming forth from Netchefet, not have I judged hastily.
31. Hail, Sekheriu, coming forth from Uten, not have I been an eavesdropper.
32. Hail, Lord of the two horns, coming forth from Sais, not have I multiplied my words upon words.
33.Hail, Nefer-Tmu, coming forth from Memphis, not have I harmed, not have I done evil.
34. Hail Tmu [in his ] seasons, coming forth from Tattu, not have I made curses of the king.
35. Hail, Working in his heart, soming forth from Tebu, not have I fouled water.
36. Hail Sistrum bearer, coming forth from Nu, not have I made haughty my voice.
37. Hail, Provider of mankind, coming forth from Sais, not have I cursed god.
38. Hail, Neheb-ka, coming forth from his cavern, not have I committed theft (?).
39. Hail Neheb-nefert, coming forth from his cavern, not have I defrauded the offerings of the gods.
40. Hail Arranger of [ his ] head, coming forth from [ his ] shrine, not have i carried away offerings from the beautified ones.
41. Hail, Bringer of his arm, coming forth from {the double town of Maat,} not have I carried off the food of the infant, not have I sinned against the god of the town.
42. Hail, White teeth, coming forth from Ta-she not have I slaughtered the cattle divine.