The Holy Guardian Angel in the Golden Dawn
The topic of the place of the Holy Guardian Angel in the Golden Dawn system has been raised numerous times, largely due to the fact that Mathers published what is seen by many as the seminal text on the subject, The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage , plus the popularisation of the concept through Aleister Crowley. The question, however, is whether this term and idea applies to the teachings of the Golden Dawn. Firstly, let us look at the term itself. Abra-Melin uses various terms interchangeably: "Holy Guardian Angel", "Guardian Angel", "Holy Angel", or, in some cases, just "Angel", all referring to the same thing. This is usually referred to today by most as simply "Holy Guardian Angel". However, in his Introduction, Mathers only ever uses the term "Guardian Angel". Neither the term “Holy Guardian Angel” nor "Guardian Angel" is overtly used, to my knowledge, in any original G.D. material. There is a S...