The Light Extended: A Journal of the Golden Dawn (Volume 2)
Volume 2 of the new Golden Dawn journal series The Light Extended is out now, published by Kerubim Press. CONTENTS - The Evil Triangle: The Role of the Inverted Triangle in the Golden Dawn by Frater Yechidah - The Equilibration of the Four Winds by Samuel Scarborough - The Vibration of the Divine Name by John Michael Greer - On the Lunar Occultation of Venus And Planetary Integration Through the Hermetic Arts by Jaime Paul Lamb - Greek Gods in the Golden Dawn by Soror DPF - The Four Elements and Their Implements by Jayne Gibson - Ma‘aśeh Bere’shith: A Jewish Treatise on the Heavens, Earths, and Hells Translated and Introduced by J. P. Feliciano - As Within, So Without: A Golden Dawn Perspective on the Relationship Between Divinity and Humanity by Chic Cicero and S. Tabatha Cicero - The MacGyver Golden Dawn Temple by Frater D - Astrological Dignities From the Neophyte Knowledge Lecture by Frater Manu Forti - On the Rose and Cross on the Membership Roll by Frate...