Common Errors in the Elemental Implements
A variety of popular books, and the advent of the internet, have created and perpetuated a number of errors in the Elemental Implements, which are being unwittingly copied and promulgated by a new generation of occult students. Firstly, Robert Wang's The Secret Temple gave the wrong Divine Names for the Elemental Implements, adopting the Sephirothic names instead of the Elemental ones (that we see in the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram). His errors were duplicated and popularised by Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick . Wang and Kraig give the following: Fire Wand: YHVH Tzabaoth Water Cup: Elohim Tzabaoth Air Dagger: Shaddai El Chai Earth Pantacle: Adonai ha-Aretz The correct names are: Fire Wand: Elohim Water Cup: El Air Dagger: YHVH Earth Pantacle: Adonai Further, most depictions of the Earth Pantacle are missing a name: Aphar ( עפר ). This is another name for earth, often translated as "dry earth" or "dust". It goes ...