12 Pieces of Advice for GD Applicants
This is a little snippet of excellent advice (stolen from Morgan Drake Eckstein's blog ) from the author Nick Farrell. It is worth sharing for its humour and wisdom. Check out Morgan's blog for similar snippets and his own thoughts and musings on all things GD. "A brief FAQ of realisations for those who want to join a working GD group 1. It is better to work on the basis that a group should not accept you. If it does you are either lucky or the group is suspect. "I would never trust a club which would admit me as a member," Groucho Marx 2. It is not what the group can do for you it is what you can do for thegroup. 3. Do not ever aspire to be 'an adept' or seek 'enlightenment' from a group. These are things you do on your own and could never be recognized by a group even if you attain it. Real aspirations for joining a group are personal and often very small. 4. Real teaching is what you get when you are ready to receive it. It is never put on pape...